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The Pelicans' is a loose association of ex-White Father students and people who have known The White Fathers (Missionaries of Africa) in one way or another. In essence, therefore, the website has been created and maintained for 'Friends of the White Fathers'.

There is no membership, as such, but all those who have been in touch are listed in the website's
CONTACT section, along with their details. To access this part of the website, due to privacy laws, please, get in touch with the web team.

f you would like to support the work that the White Fathers undertake in Africa, the Treasurer would be pleased to hear from you. (See also the
APPEALS section).


Website Founder &
Webmaster Emeritus: Paul West (d: 2020)

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Visitors since:
Aug 1st 2018
Feel free to send any materials (photos, documents, links, etc) you care to share with the Pelicans' community to the web team. free counter